< Experience />

{/* Blog Posts */}

Detailing my journey with the companies I’ve worked at in the past.


JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Software Engineer

Mar 24 - Present

Currently a Software Engineer at JPMC under SEP (Software Engineer Program).

Coming soon!

JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Software Engineer Intern

May 23 - Aug 23

Summer internship at a financial services firm. Focused on mainly frontend development with some exposure to AWS and backend development with SpringBoot.

Stack:   ReactJs • Redux.js • Amazon Web Services • Java • Spring Boot

GOVTECH Singapore

Software Engineer Intern

May 22 - Aug 22

First exposure to a mid-sized firm with mature software development processes. Fullstack web development with a full javascript tech-stack.

Stack:   ReactJs • VueJs • ExpressJs • Jest • TypeScript • Docker


Software Engineer Intern

Aug 21 - Dec 21

First tech-related internship, and also my first exposure to the software development process and lifecycle. Dabbled in cross-platform mobile-development with Flutter and Dart.

Stack:   Flutter • Dart • Firebase • Telegraf.js • Mobile Development
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{/* Relevant Experiences */}

Arranged in chronological order from latest to earliest.

JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Software Engineer

Mar 24 - Present


Currently a Software Engineer at JPMC under SEP (Software Engineer Program).
Coming soon!

JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Software Engineer Intern

May 23 - Aug 23

  • Developed a functioning POC that reduces complexity of viewing data from legacy backend.
  • Developed another POC solution as part of a team of interns for an intern-curriculumn project, allowing business users to test changes in a sandbox environment.
  • Presented solutions to business users and upper management to collect feedback and customer validation.
Stack:   ReactJs • Redux.js • Amazon Web Services • Java • Spring Boot

Singapore Management University

Teaching Assistant

Jan 23 - May 23


  • Teaching assistant for IS442 (Object Oriented Programming), under Prof Swavek Wlodkowski
  • Helped mark weekly assignments, reviewing students' code and providing feedback.

  • Teaching assistant for IS215 (Digital Business Technology & Transformation).
  • Assisted with administrative matters and responded to students' queries.
Stack:   Java • Object Oriented Programming • Digital Transformation

GOVTECH Singapore

Software Engineer Intern

May 22 - Aug 22

  • Mainly worked on enhancing SEO through code, greatly increasing (~1200% increase within 1 month) the links that Googlebot can index and crawl.
  • Patched an external library to specifically fit the use case of the team.
  • Fixed minor bugs and performed code reviews.
  • Researched on end-to-end tracing and logging with OpenTelemetry and Elastic.
Stack:   ReactJs • VueJs • ExpressJs • Jest • TypeScript • Docker

Singapore Management University

Teaching Assistant

Aug 21 - May 22


  • Teaching assistant for IS113 (Web Application Development I), under Prof Cao Yixin and Prof Lau Yi Meng from Jan 22 to May 22
  • Answered queries regarding coding and syntax problems.

  • Teaching assistant for COR-IS1702 (Computational Thinking), under Prof Mok Heng Ngee from Aug 21 to Dec 21
  • Answered queries related to the understanding of data structures and algorithms.
Stack:   HTML • PHP • MySQL • Data Structures & Algorithms • Python


Software Engineer Intern

Aug 21 - Dec 21

  • Cross-platform mobile application development
  • Integrated the transaction and payment process with the chat screen, streamlining the user flow.
  • Implemented front-end changes based on the revamped design.
Stack:   Flutter • Dart • Firebase • Telegraf.js • Mobile Development
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Chew Yi Xin 2023  •  Last updated Feb 2024